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What is Success?
“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplacable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the hero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach. The...
The Trust Account
In many relationships there is an accounting – what you do for me vs what I do for you. Whenever there is a surplus on one side, there is often a deficit on the other. The play of relationship will then be to get these sides into equilibrium. Along the way, there may...
Feel the fear…
What is your experience of fear? Is it fear that you will fail, or arguably more common, that you will succeed? Is it keeping you small, feeding itself on the negative self-talk of 'not good enough', 'not accepted', or 'not loved'? What if, instead of STOP, whenever...
What makes a successful leader?
A successful leader needs to win the hearts and minds of those that she leads. In order to do this successfully, she needs to be willing and able to inspire, understand, empathise, and motivate her managers/teams/employees. Perhaps most importantly, the leader must be...
Dragon Egg Bombs and Other bits of Magic, Stress Management and Soul Washing for a few pounds.
Guest post by Carol Finlayson of Carol Finlayson Coaching “I am bored “. Whilst teaching a workshop yesterday a woman approached me during break, with the words, “Carol I am bored”. The workshop was called Finding Your Life`s Purpose, and she told me she felt her life...
You are a formidable creator!
"I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.” Muhammad Ali One of the most powerful things you can do in your life to ensure a consistently positive emotional state is to use affirmations. Affirmations are statements...
Why everyone needs a coach
Often when I meet someone new, I ask them "Who's your coach?" Invariably the answer comes back as "No-one - I don't need a coach". Which is a great answer and the one I most like to hear. Because that means that the person is already creating clear and specific goals,...
The World in Turmoil
There have been many natural catastrophes that have occurred in recent months, on our shores and across the globe. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and civil wars that we see nightly on the news and which we feel compelled to offer some response to. The proliferation of...
The self-fulfilling prophecy
Often what we tell ourselves about the events of our lives and the meaning we give our different life phases can affect not only the way we see ourselves, but also affect our future. I know many people who believe their best years were when they were growing up, or...
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